Inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1
Inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1

inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1

They attack in force and burn everything, killing anything and everything that has the misfortune of crossing their paths. Trollocs are basically the orcs of The Wheel Of Time-half-man, half-beast and extremely ugly. What we get instead is a huge assault on the poor village that makes that one scene with the demon dogs in Willow look tame by comparison. But maybe that would have made the episode feel even slower. Just more time in general with the world-building. I felt like we needed a bit more time establishing Moiraine’s interest in the five young men and women, a bit more time with Rand’s dad and some of the other characters. This is what I mean by the episode feeling slow and rushed all at once. I admit, I was expecting a bit more lead-up to this crazy attack on the village. The Assault On Emond’s FieldĮverything changes when the Trollocs attack. Nothing about Moiraine or Lan’s manner or dress really warranted a moment of dead silence. Sure, Emond’s Field is a backwater town, but inns are used to strangers passing through. It’s like a scene out of an old Western film, but it really doesn’t make sense. Moiraine and Lan’s entrance into the inn in Emond’s Field causes the entire common area to suddenly go quiet. In any case, there are lots of little things that bugged me about this episode but nothing that really turned me off entirely. Maybe not Henry Cavill hot, but close enough.


Speaking of skin and steam, Moiraine and Lan take a bath together because hey, if The Witcher can do it why not The Wheel Of Time? Besides, Moiraine’s powers include the ability to heat up the water which, I must admit, is pretty hot. This fear was not alleviated when Rand and Egwene hook up almost immediately, something I don’t recall from The Eye Of The World, but which adds a little skin and steam. His wool sweater might be appropriate to the shepherding lifestyle, but the sweater and the very modern looking hair and his good looks all just made me think “Crap, is this going to be a CW fantasy show?” He looks like he’s walked directly off a football field in some high school drama. well Rand worried me the most of any of these characters in the first episode. They have no children and seem very much in love. Perrin is a big old softy who spends his days hammering metal with his blacksmith wife.

inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1

Neither seems to care about anyone but themselves. His mother is a drunk and his father a philanderer. We learn that Mat, despite being a thief, is generous and compassionate toward his young sisters-filling in for his parents, it turns out. We see Rand, Mat and Perrin joking around and gambling and drinking together and get a bit more off-color humor than I was expecting. Nothing much happens until suddenly so much is happening. ‘Leavetaking’ feels at once too slow and weirdly rushed. (Three are releasing Friday, November 19th and then five more will release, one per week, for the remainder of the season). Don’t let that turn you off, however, it gets better in each subsequent episode.

inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1

The first episode of The Wheel Of Time introduces us to a huge chunk of the show’s main characters and sets the events of the story in motion, but it’s a bit of a clumsy start.

inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1

  • Nynaeve al’Maera (Zoe Robins) the current Wisdom of Emond’s Field.
  • Egwene al’Vere (Madeleine Madden) a young woman and Rand’s lover who is learning to become a Wisdom-a female healer of sorts.
  • Mat Cauthon (Barney Harris) a roguish type who comes from bad stock but does his best to care for his young sisters.
  • Perrin Aybara (Marcus Rutherford) a gentle giant of a blacksmith who lives with his wife Laila (a change from the books).
  • Rand al’Thor (Josha Stradowski) a young shepherd who lives with his father, Tam al’Thor (Michael McElhatton).

  • Inazuma 11 season 1 episode 1